import entities

/* Title: Import Entities Sort: 6 */

Import Entities via CSV

You can quickly add one or more entities to your projects via a CSV file.

From the Entities list page, select the More menu (at top right) and choose Import Intents via CSV

Download a CSV Template

For convenience, you can download a pre-configured CSV Template with the column headers needed.

Click Download CSV Template to download the template file.

You can also download this template by clicking here.

Edit a CSV File

Make a copy of the CSV Template file and rename it.

When adding entity data to the file please note the following -

  • All column headers must be present

  • Entity Name column must contain a value, with no spaces

  • For entities with multiple entity values, add an additional line with the same Entity Name for each value

  • Importing will only add new entities, values and alternative text values to a project. Existing entities, their values and alternative text values will not be deleted or edited by this method.

  • If editing in Excel, the CSV file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding to ensure that extended characters (£, $ etc.) are uploaded correctly (Use the Save As option and select the CSV UTF-8 (comma-delimited) file type)

A full list of valid Entity Field Formats is provided at the end of this section.

Upload a CSV File

Click Upload File to upload your Entities CSV file.

The files contents will be validated.

If all rows are valid they will be uploaded to the database and the entities added to the project's entity list.

If any field on any line is invalid then the entire upload is rejected. All invalid fields will be listed to aid in troubleshooting the errors.

Entity Field Formats


Entity Name Mandatory

The name of the Entity - valid characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _

Entity Value

An entity text value OR a pattern name


Either Text or Pattern

Text/Pattern Value

List of alternative text values (separate with commas & leave no spaces before or after each comma) OR one regex pattern

For entities with multiple entity values, add an additional line with the same Entity Name for each value.