system entities
/* Title: System Entities Sort: 3 */ An entity can be used to store information to be used later in the conversation, in Flows, or to pass to Integrations that reference external services.
System Entities are pre-configured and can be added to a project's entity list, allowing you to deploy them instantly without the need to write extensive lists of text values or build complicated regex patterns.
Create a System Entity
From the Entities page, click Create Entity
Select System entity type in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Entity Name
Name the entity. All entity names must be unique within the project.
Supported Entity
Select a supported system entity from the dropdown list.
Training materials checkbox
Leave unchecked.
Click Create Entity in the sidebar
System entities currently recognise English language inputs only and are not editable i.e. you cannot view/edit/add any details such as text or pattern values. All information extracted from the utterance is stored in an entity as a string value. The examples for each system entity below are not exhaustive. The Sessions page can be used to view each 'turn' in a conversation. Expand the Entities and Variables section to see any entities that are captured and the values that are stored within them at that point in time.
Supported Entities
Humley Studio supports the following System Entities:
Extracts a number and period unit from an utterance referencing age e.g. - I am 24 years old stored as 24 Year
Extracts a yes/no, true/false choice from an utterance e.g. - No I don't, Nope, that's false, stored as False
Extracts an amount and a currency unit from an utterence referencing currency e.g. - £10, 10 pounds stored as 10 Pound
Extracts a system date from an utterance referencing a date. Supports a range of formats e.g. - 21-12-2019, 21st of Dec 2019, The day after tomorrow, 2 days from now etc. stored as 2019-12-21 Defaults to recognising dates in utterances as US format e.g - 01/02/1990 stored as 2019-01-02
Extracts a system datetime from an utterance referencing a date and time. Supports a range of formats e.g. - 21-12-2019 10am, 21st of Dec 2019 10:00, 10 am day after tomorrow, 10am 2 days from now etc. stored as 2019-12-21 10:00:00 Defaults to recognising dates in utterances as US format e.g - 01/02/1990 10am stored as 2019-01-02 10:00:00
Extracts an amount and a dimension unit from an utterence referencing a dimension (length, height, distance, volume etc.) e.g. - I would walk 500 miles stored as 500 Mile The speed limit is 55mph stored as 55 Mile per hour 10 cubic metres stored as 10 Cubic meter
Extracts a value in Seconds from an utterence referencing a duration e.g. - That takes 1 hour stored as 3600 The 100m sprint record is 9.58 seconds stored as 9.58
Extracts an email address from an utterance referencing a valid email address format e.g. -
Extracts a GUID from an utterance referencing a valid GUID format e.g. - 3cd2f9ca-8689-43ec-9ee5-b626c44bde5d
Extracts a hashtag from an utterance containing a word preceded by the # symbol e.g. - #humleystudio
IP Address
Extracts an IP address from an utterance referencing a valid IP address format e.g. -
Extracts a number from an utterance referencing a numeric value e.g. - I'll have 2 of those, I want to buy two please etc. stored as 2
Extracts a number from an utterance referencing an ordinal (a position in a list) e.g. - I'll take the third option stored as 3
Extracts a number (with percentage symbol) from an utterance referencing a percentage amount (a position in a list) e.g. - 77%, 77 percent, seventy seven % etc. stored as 77%
Phone Number
Extracts a phone number from an utterance referencing a valid phone number formats from a range of countries e.g. - +1-555-754-3010, (555) 754-3010, 754-3010, 07435 222217, +447435222217 etc.
Extracts a number (with temperature unit symbol, if uttered) from an utterance referencing a temperature e.g. - It's 23 degrees out here, 23° etc. stored as 23 Degree 180C, 180 C, 180 degrees celcius, 180 degrees centigrade etc. stored as 180 C
Extracts a system time from an utterance referencing a valid time format. Supports a range of formats e.g. - 10:10, ten minutes past ten, 10.10 am etc. stored as 10:10:00 3pm, three pm etc. stored as 15:00:00
Extracts a URL from an utterance referencing a valid URL format e.g. -, etc.