Flow Conditions
Conditions allow you to add logic using comparators (e.g. Equals To, Exists, Not Contains etc.) so that you can branch the Flow depending on end-users' answers, data passed back from external APIs, or values from within your own service.
Conditions are represented by two or more horizontally-connected boxes and further modules (or conditions) can be added below each one to create the different paths the conversation will take, depending on the conditions met.
Add a Condition
To add a condition to a flow, click a '+' icon at the desired point on the flow canvas and select the Add Condition option.
Enter in the sidebar -
Name Name the Condition. All Condition & module names must be unique within the Flow.
Comparator Choose a comparator that fits the logic you want to apply to the condition. The description and fields available in the Condition Values section will change to fit the comparator e.g. the Equals comparator will need two values to compare against each other, where the Else comparator needs no values.
Value 1 The entity or variable to make a comparison against.
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Select an existing entity or variable
Create a new entity or unassigned variable If you create an entity from here, it will have no values. Once you've finished building your Flow, you will need to add Text Values or Pattern Values to it. If you create a variable from here, it will be unassigned. Once you've finished building your Flow, you may need to Assign the Variable to an Entity.
Value 2 The entity, variable, or text value you want to compare Value 1 with.
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Add a free text value
Select an existing entity or variable
Create a new entity or unassigned variable If you create an entity from here, it will have no values. Once you've finished building your Flow, you will need to add Text Values or Pattern Values to it. If you create a variable from here, it will be unassigned. Once you've finished building your Flow, you may need to Assign the Variable to an Entity.
Click Create Condition in the sidebar.
The new Condition will be shown on the Flow canvas, along with a default connected Condition, named 'Unititled' and with an Else comparator. This Untitled condition can then be edited or deleted if necessary.
Add further Conditions
You can add further Condition boxes to an group of existing conditions in order to include more 'paths'.
Click one of the '+' icons above any of the existing conditions in the group you wish to add to and select the Add Another Condition option.
Follow the steps 2 & 3 of Add a Condition above.
N.B. The Else comparator can be present in just one condition within a group of conditions.
Last updated