Flow Modules
Flows are made by building a sequence of Modules. A Module performs a specific action and is shown as a box in the Flow Editor.
To add a module to a flow, click a '+' icon at the desired point on the flow canvas and select the Add Module option. Then select one of the available modules from the sidebar :-
Response module - Use to return a response to the end-user they are in a structured conversation
Gather module - Use to capture information from the end-user
Confirmation module - Asks the end-user to confirm or change the information gathered
Integration module - Will trigger an Integration to an outside service
Set Variables module - Use to change the value of unnassigned variables
Jump To module - Use to jump the conversation to another Module or Condition within the same Flow, or to the start of another external Flow.
Component module - Will jump the conversation to a Component. You can create new Components from this module type, or from the Flow page.
UiPath Subscribe module - Use to subscribe to UiPath events. Only available when full UiPath features are requested.
You can save your Flow by clicking Save Standard Flow in the sidebar. Do this at regular intervals to ensure you don't lose your work.
Response module
Sends a response to the end-user. For instance, you may want to start your Flow with an introductory message to inform the end-user that they're in a structured conversation, what's going to happen, and how to break out of it if necessary (using the @exit_flow entity's values - see Entity Text Values).
Choose the Response module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Response Text (can include entities and variables).
Click Create Module in the sidebar.
The new Response module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
Gather module
Ask for information and store it in an Entity or a Variable. Set prompt, success, and failure responses.
Choose the Gather module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Entity/Variable The entity or variable that will store the gathered response. Choose an existing entity or variable, or create a new one.
Prompt Text prompting the end-user to provide some information.
Success Response Response to be given to the end-user following a valid input. Validation is handled by the entity or entity-assigned variable, if any.
Fail Response Response to be given to the end-user following an invalid input. Validation is handled by the entity or entity-assigned variable, if any.
You can add the following Advanced Options for each prompt, success, or fail response -
These work in the same way as the Video and Metadata Add-Ons on Intents. The Metadata add-on can also be used to create Quick Reply buttons in a Gather module.
Click Create Module in the sidebar
The new Gather module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
Confirmation module
Allows you to specify a number of entities and variables, previously gathered in the Flow, to be confirmed or changed by the end-user if necessary. These entries will be displayed to the end-user in a numbered list. The end-user can reply with the corresponding number of the entry that they wish to change, or a word (set in the module) confirming that their entries are satisfactory. You can choose to return the end-user to the point in the flow where an entry selected for change was originally gathered and repeat the flow's steps to ensure that any subsequent entries conditional to that choice are made.
Choose the Confirmation module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Confirmation Configuration section
Specify the entities and/or variables to be confirmed or changed.
Enter in the sidebar -
Introduction The message to introduce the list of information to be reviewed by the end-user e.g. "This is what you've told me so far..."
Advanced Options You can add the following Advanced Options -
These work in the same way as the Video and Metadata Add-Ons on Intents.
Entities/Variables The entities and variables you want to present to the end-user for change or confirmation.
For each entry -
Label Add a user-friendly name of the entity or variable to be listed.
Entity/Variable From the drop-down list, select the required entity or variable.
Repeat for as many entries as needed.
Conclusion The message that comes after the list of collected information to be reviewed by the end-user e.g. "If you'd like to change an answer, enter the corresponding number. Enter "OK" to confirm your original choices"
Advanced Options You can add the following Advanced Options -
These work in the same way as the Video and Metadata Add-Ons on Intents.
Confirmation Selection section
Specify the entity used to confirm the list of collected information and the response given if the end-user's reply is unrecognised.
Enter in the sidebar -
Positive Confirmation Entity The entity that you want to use to confirm the list of collected information
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Select an existing entity
Create a new entity If you create an entity from here, it will have no values. Once you've finished building your Flow, you will need to add Text Values or Pattern Values to it.
The entity and its values used here will largely depend on your Conclusion message, e.g. ConfirmOK entity with value of "OK" & with alternate values of "okay", "alright" etc. would work with the example Conclusion message used above
Unsuccessful The response given following an unrecognised reply from the end-user
Advanced Options You can add the following Advanced Options -
These work in the same way as the Video and Metadata Add-Ons on Intents. The Metadata add-on can also be used to create a Quick Reply button for the Positive Confirmation Entity e.g. "OK" or "Confirm All" which will show immediately after the list of data entries.
Return to Confirmation module checkbox Check if, following an entry change, the flow is to continue from the end of the Confirmation module Uncheck if, following an entry change, the the flow is to continue from the end of the Gather module where that entry was originally collected Defaults to checked
Click Create Module in the sidebar.
The new Confirmation module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
Integration module
Initiates an Integration, that will call an external service such as a third-party API. An existing Integration Request is required, although you can navigate to the Integrations page from the module's sidebar.
Choose the Integration module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Base URL The integration Base URL for the Request that you want to trigger.
Request The integration Request that you want to trigger.
When a Request is selected, more sections are revealed with fields relevant to that Request (see below).
Request Configuration section
Specify entities or variables or free text to populate the Integration's request parameters (that will be passed to the API called). The number of fields here will match the number of request parameters in the selected Request.
Enter in the sidebar -
Entity/Variable/Free Text The entity, variable or free text that you want passed to the corresponding request definition. The field will have a tool tip (created within the Request) that should explain the request definition's purpose.
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Select an existing entity or variable
Create a new entity or unassigned variable If you create an entity from here, it will have no values. Once you've finished building your Flow, you will need to add Text Values or Pattern Values to it. If you create a variable from here, it will be unassigned. Once you've finished building your Flow, you may need to Assign the Variable to an Entity.
Add a free text value
Repeat for all request parameters.
Set Variables section
Specify the variables that will be populated with data passed back from the Request via its response definitions. The number of fields here will match the number of response definitions in the selected Request.
Enter in the sidebar -
Variable The variable that you want populated with the data from the corresponding response definition. The field's tool tip should explain the response definition's purpose.
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Select an existing variable
Create a new variable (If you create a variable from here, it will be unassigned. Once you've finished building your Flow, you may need to Assign the Variable to an Entity).
Repeat for all response definitions.
Configure Response section
Link the Integration's response definitions to the variables you will use to communicate any outcomes in the flow.
Enter in the sidebar -
Return Response checkbox Check if the response returned from the integration is to be displayed to the end-user Uncheck to disable the Response fields & skip any response displayed to the end-user Defaults to checked
Success Response The response given to the end-user following a successful response from the integration
Fail Response The response given to the end-user following a failed response from the integration
You can return the contents of variables and entities in these responses, by naming them (including their prefixes) e.g. $example_variable or @example_entity, in the text.
You can add the following Advanced Options for each prompt, success, or fail response -
These work in the same way as the Metadata Add-Ons on Intents.
Click Create Module in the sidebar.
The new Integration module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
Set Variables module
Sets the value of one or more unnassigned variables.
Choose the Set Variables module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Variable To Set The unnassigned variable that you want set.
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Select an existing unassigned variable
Create a new unassigned variable
Set To Value The entity, variable or free text that you want to set the unnassigned variable to.
Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Add a free text value
Select an existing entity or variable
Create a new entity or unassigned variable If you create an entity from here, it will have no values. Once you've finished building your Flow, you will need to add Text Values or Pattern Values to it. If you create a variable from here, it will be unassigned. Once you've finished building your Flow, you may need to Assign the Variable to an Entity.
Repeat to set as many variables as needed.
Click Create Module in the sidebar.
The new Set Variables module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
Jump To module
Jumps the conversaton to a different module or condition within the same Flow, or externally to the start of a different Flow. Commonly used alongside Conditions e.g. to skip to different part of the Flow depending on the end-user's input etc.
Jumping to another Flow means the conversation will not return to its previous origin unless via other Jump To modules Returning the conversation (once finished) to the Flow it was called from can be achieved by jumping to an external Component - see Component module below
Choose the Jump To module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Jump Type From the drop-down menu, choose to jump the conversation internally or externally.
Select either -
Flow to jump to another Flow
Module/Condition to jump to a module or condition within the same Flow
Jump to Depends on the Jump Type previously selected.
For Flow, start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Select an existing Flow
Create a new Flow
For Module/Condition, select from the dropdown list an existing module or condition within the same Flow
Click Create Module in the sidebar.
The new Jump To module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
Component module
Jumps the conversaton to the start of a Component.
When the conversation has reached the end of Component, it will be returned to the Flow (or Component) it was called from, continuing with the module directly below the Component module it was called from.
Choose the Component module in the sidebar.
Enter in the sidebar -
Module Name Name the module. All module names must be unique within the Flow.
Component Choose to jump the conversation internally or externally. Start typing in the Search or Create field to either -
Click Create Module in the sidebar.
The new Component module will be shown on the Flow canvas.
UiPath Subscribe module
The UiPath Subscribe module allows you to subscribe to, and receive responses from, UiPath events. Currently, it is only available on request.
See Getting Started with UiPath if you would like access to our full features that integrate with UiPath.
See how to apply the Subscribe Module within Flow for more details.
Last updated